Main Family News
COVID-19 Updates From Dr. Gee
COVID-19 Update 4-20
A tremendous amount has transpired since our last correspondence on COVID-19. The great news is that we have reached our first benchmark in our new, overused, pandemic lexicon of “flattening the curve” in Idaho. This is based on significant reduction of new cases reported given the profile of patients that have access to testing.
COVID Update – 3-24-2020
We want to encourage each one of you to respect the implications Covid-19 has on your friends, neighbors and loved ones. Compliance with the “6-foot rule” for social distancing will grant better outcomes for all of us. You may have heard that meeting in groups of 10 or smaller is OK at this time; we would discourage this with the current knowledge of the virus.
COVID UPDATE – 3-19-2020
It is important that we maintain communication and connection in these unprecedented times. Each of you undoubtedly is feeling stress and tension for various reasons of altered plans, schedules, expectations, financial loss, inconvenience, loved ones’ health risk, and the list could go on.
COVID 19 Update
Information on COVID -19 (Coronavirus) is rapidly increasing and daily evolving. Your healthcare team at Main Family Medical is continually seeking up-to-date and accurate information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and local Health Departments.